
Directory Structure#

The directory structure of a template is as follows:

root folder (git repo root)/
├── template/
│   └── ... any files / folders
└── fengine.yaml

Metadata (fengine.yaml)#

The fengine.yaml file holds metadata that is required by fengine when rendering the template into an incarnation. Most importantly it contains definitions of template variables, but can also override some settings that affect the rendering process.

An example fengine.yaml file looks like this:

    - vendor/**/*

    type: string
    description: Name of the application. Don't use spaces.
    type: string
    description: Name of the author. Use format "Name <email>".
    type: string
    description: The PyPI index
    default: pypi.org

Variable Definitions#

The variables section defines the variables that are available to the template. Each variable has a name, a type and a description.

The following basic types are supported:

  • string: A string value

  • integer: An integer value

  • boolean: A boolean value

It is mandatory to give a description for every variable definition. A default value can also be specified as shown in the example above.

List Variables#

A variable can also be a list of values. For now, only string types are supported. Example:

    type: list
    element_type: string
    description: List of authors
      - John Doe
      - Jane Doe

Nested Object Variables#

Variables can be nested arbitrarily deep. Default values can not be specified on the variables of type object itself - instead specify them on the nested variables. Example:

    type: object
    description: Address of the author
        type: string
        description: Street name
        type: integer
        description: Street number
        type: string
        description: City name
        default: Zurich

Template Variables & Engine#

Foxops will render all files within the template/ folder into the incarnation - and uses the Jinja2 template engine to render the files. This means that you can use all the features of Jinja2 in your templates.

Here you can find the full documentation of that template language.

Using Variables#

To use a variable in a file, you can use the {{ .. }} syntax, e.g.:

This template was incarnated by {{ author }}.

Template version that was used {{ fengine.template.version }}
{# note: this is the syntax for accessing nested variables #}
{# ... and this btw. is a comment which will be excluded in the rendered file #}


To use a conditional in a file, you can use the {% if .. %} syntax, e.g.:

{% if author == "foxops" %}
This template was incarnated by foxops.
{% else %}
This template was incarnated by someone else.
{% endif %}


To use a loop in a file, you can use the {% for .. %} syntax, e.g.:

This template was incarnated by:
{% for author in authors %}
* {{ author }}
{% endfor %}

To use for loops, you need a list variable to get started.

… and much more (includes, macros, assignments, …)#

Consult the Jinja2 documentation for more information.

Predefined Variables#

Foxops comes with a few predefined variables that you can use in every template without explicitly defining them:

  • {{ fengine.template.repository}} - The path of the template repository

  • {{ fengine.template.repository_version }} - The version of the template that is being used to render the incarnation